I have also interviewed the potential target audiences. Soaps have a wide range of target audiences and i wanted to see whether it would attract other types of audience too, so i have also interviewed an audience from a slightly different background...

This is Bill, he has come from a working-class background but has a fashion degree and is working at a fashion distribution company. He has gone up to middle-class and has quite a comftable life. However, his job is being effected from the recession and has effected him in a way to adjust his consumer lifestyle to the current economic recession. He is quite busy with his work but he does like going to watch a film at the cinema. He enjoys films which have a realistic and educational factor. He likes to shop in the latest designer clothes but he keeps the classic professional look. He likes to go out once in a while with his friends after work to a bar or club and is in the know about the latest music releases so he enjoys most types of music. His family watch EastEnders but because he does not have time he cannot watch it often. Our soap, according to the focus group, he would enjoy watching a soap which is similar to his lifestyle, so he would be able to watch our soap at 9pm twice a week when it is broadcasted. He would sympathise with the characters as they have also felt the squeeze in this economical crisis. He also lives on his own and is not married even though he is 28 years old (it is expected him to marry due to his culture by this age but his work gets in the way) as london is a multi-cultural society he would find a place for himself in the soap as the boss is muslim.
Bill would watch Verve House bcause it fits in his schedule and he can find the realism in this soap. Such as the mixed classes and multi-cultural characters.
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