The trailer shows the boss's side of the recession. Firing your workers are not always easy. From the focus group findings i decided it was a good idea to have the boss as the main introduced character. It is a stressful trailer, it is it made up of fast shots and repetitive shots to emphasise that it was a repetitive and stressful, also confusing experience for the boss.
The Poster:
The poster looks like from a newspaper comic at the back, usually they have similar drawing on newspapers such as "The Metro" which is a common Londoner newspaper as it is usually read by commuters in the morning (People who are the target audience).
I think this poster is really good. It takes into account the target audience and it also takes into account British norms: We like to 'lighten up the situation'. I used paint for this poster and i beleive i achieved a comic effect. However i do think that it could have looked more professional but still acheive the comic look if i had used photoshop, i.e. the colour could have been more vibrant.
The website:
The website has the same font as the poster. I think i have acheived a house style like this, and also i have used similar colours, the colours i used are not too bright. For the website i think i have sufficient detail and managed to include everything i can for an upcoming soap. I did the gallery page and i think i have established the area of where the main body of the soap would be. Pictures are important as they can excite the audience and pictures can create a familiarity with the audience.
Overall, I think i have acheived a well-balanced mixture of three products. The website and poster have the same font and the trailer's camera shots are used as part of the banner on the website. I think i have considered and researched my target audience thoroughly and have linked the three products well.
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