This is another idea for a poster. It has a satirical theme. I was inspired to create this poster because of the term "Credit Crunch" and emphasised on the word "crunch".
I used microsoft paint to create this. It does not look professional, however i beleive it adds to the satirical message it sends and looks sarcastic in a way. It also resembles a comic strip usually on newspapers such as "Metro". I think this poster conveys alot of ideas and is enigmatic. The writing on the cereal box is eye catching and will get the attention of those affected by the recession.
Everything on this poster is copyright free and and i have simply edited the pound coin which i took a picture of.
Even though it does not introduce any characters from the production it would still attract our target audience and more likely to in this way. Pictures of our character would be something new to them and they would not be able to be familiar with it. This poster is explicit in its message and at the same time introduces the soap.
I have decided to pick this poster. It is easier to understand for the audience and does not need a lot of thought to it to understand it. It is simple and fun