Friday, 25 September 2009

The Recession

At the moment there is recession affecting all businesses and employees.

Official economic data shows that a substantial number of nations are in recession as of early 2009. A global recession has resulted in a sharp drop in internationsl trade, rising unemployment and slumping commodity prices.


The late-2000s recession is shaping up to be the worst post-war contraction on record:

  • Real gross domestic product (GDP) began contracting in the third quarter of 2008, and by early 2009 was falling at an annualized pace not seen since the 1950s.
  • Capital investment, which was in decline year-on-year since the final quarter of 2006, matched the 1957–58 post war record in the first quarter of 2009. The pace of collapse in residential investment picked up speed in the first quarter of 2009, dropping 23.2% year-on-year, nearly four percentage points faster than in the previous quarter.
  • Domestic demand, in decline for five straight quarters, is still three months shy of the 1974–75 record, but the pace – down 2.6% per quarter vs. 1.9% in the earlier period – is a record-breaker already.

(Information taken from Wikipedia)

We have decided that the recession is a major point this year and has effected a lot of people and caused people to become redundant, households are effected, relationships i.e, co-worker relationships, money causes stress in households too. It is sensible to make this a theme in the soap as money surrounds everything in our lives especially in London. There is an idea that London is an individualistic society and has caused people to become like "robots" and living to work rather than working to live. Our jobs represent our social status and our status effects the way people perceive us. Having a soap explaining and emphasizing with people who have become redundant people who are suffering in their work would show a different perspective on what is going on and not everything should be judged through how people live, we are forgetting that people are people and we just see them as jobs instead, like a tool.

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